Thursday, November 21, 2013
Education System: Know Your Role
I believe the cop that arrested the father in the video had better calm the heck down because all he was doing was abusing his badge. Police are put in schools to protect the students and give parents a piece of mind while their children are at school. But to arrest a parent who wasn't even raising his voice for coming to pick up his children and voicing his opinion, can anyone say violation of rights?
My daughter is not of school age yet, but I will be damned to see the day that any school will tell me I can not take my child out of school when I want to. I have had this problem with some local daycares in my area as well. My daughter hasn't taken a nap since she was 15 months old but every school tells me it is their policy that she has to lay down for 2 hours.
If my daughter lays down for two hours she will be up all night, I as a parent don't want my daughter laying down at all during the day, I am paying for her to get an education not for her to sleep. As her mother if I am paying her tuition and my child has the ability to play quietly at a table while other kids nap, then that is what she is going to do.
I carried my daughter for 9 months, went through an emergency c-section, spent 6 weeks recovering from the surgery, I know what is best for my child and I decide what is best for her and I believe if I am paying you to watch my child, than you are going to play by my rules and not your own.
Now I have worked in a daycare facility and all you hard working parents are paying up to $200 a week for your child to be educated by these facilities, which in turn is paying their employees. Not only are you paying their employees to teach your children, but you are paying their employees to sit around on their cell phones for two hours while your child sleeps.
I also don't agree with the fact that these daycares have a set lunch program. I think that food programs are great, especially for parents that don't have the money or the time to provide food for their child in daycare. My daughters father is a cook for a living and we prefer that she have meals that we deem fit for our child, but being told we can't send her with food because other children have allergies is the biggest pile of BS I have ever heard. I am sending a lunch for my child not for other peoples children, so why does some other kids allergies matter? As far as children sharing on their own goes, this is why we pay teachers to be there, to keep an eye on these kids.
I understand the educational system has to improve to help kids get better test scores and keep children safe in a crazy world, but telling the parents what to do has gone too far. Schools are there to teach my kids ABCs and 123's and that is all, I don't care what degree you went to school for or what your damn policies are, I gave birth to my child and you will not tell me what is best for my child or what my child is GOING to do.
Smartin up schools!
-Miss Information
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Quitting Smoking, Kicking The Habbit!
A Reason To Quit
Now when I was a smoker, my biggest problem was that I enjoyed smoking, but at the same time, I want to live my life to the fullest. I have read so many stories about how people quit smoking when it was too late. I don't need to lecture you that smoking is bad for you, in fact I found when I was a smoker it was annoying when people would say "Smoking is bad for you!" I always wanted to give some obnoxious response like really? I must have missed the warning! Everyone has a reason for wanting to quit, you just have to figure out why, because if you don't have a reason, you won't want to quit.
How I Quit
I personally took he route of e-cigarettes. I do want to take a second to debunk because I have had some people doubt my quitting because I used e-cigarettes. One of the more popular responses I get is "oh I read they are bad for you!"
So being the researcher I am, I am going to debunk some of these for you. Yes it is true that the FDA is still out about e-cigs, but you are going to find a million of blogs that claim they are bad. Everything is bad for you, but if you want information you have to go to a credible source.
E-cigs have nicotine in them, which isn't great for your body, but it isn't going to kill you in such low doses and you can buy them without nicotine at all.
So if you read an article that e-cigs are worse than you for cigs, check the source, I bet it isn't credible.
Personally, I enjoy the e-cig because as I said, I enjoyed smoking and it helps with the putting something in your mouth sensation (Go ahead insert perverted joke here).
Quitting Isn't Easy
Now one thing that annoyed me about quitting smoking is people who want to quit smoking but say to me "quitting isn't easy." I quit smoking, I am aware that it wasn't easy. Just because I succeeded, doesn't mean it was easy, but these are some things I learned about the quitting process.
You can't quit while smoking. There are so many people I hear that are like, I will only smoke a few a day. While cutting down is good, you are still smoking, and your only paddling with one oar. Cold turkey is hard, but it is effective.
Stop making excuses. I hear so many people give me reasons why they can't quit smoking (ex. My job is stressful, I am out of work, I have tried and its hard) all these are is a reason not to quit and you are using them as a security blanket not to quit. Life is hard and there will always be an excuse not to quit. Don't let the excuses take over.
One thing I found that helped in the quitting process was challenging myself. The first few days are torture and you will be miserable, but if you make it through those hours without one and go back to smoking, you wasted hours of your life being miserable for nothing. It does get better and it does get easier, you just have to challenge yourself to make it to that point.
Don't Be Negative
I have learned when I quit smoking, I was surrounded with a lot of negativity and people who tried to drag me down because I quit smoking, but the truth is, those people are tearing you down because they feel bad that they haven't been able to do it. I know it sounds cliche, but don't give in to peer pressure.
So if you want to quit smoking, today is your day.
Taking A Breath Of Fresh Air
- Miss Information.
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Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Planning A Disney Birthday Party On A Budget
So my daughter recently turned 4 and she is a big fan of the Disney princesses, since her birthday falls in the month of October, really close to Halloween, we decided that we were going to add some fun to the mixture by making it a costume party. Since our daughter loves princesses, we knew that the little boys would struggle for a costume, so we made the party Disney themed.
Now the start of any party includes an invitation. I was on a budget due tor recent events in my life so I had to think quick. Since my daughter was obsessed with princesses and my SIL is a genius who gave me the idea to make a scroll invitation, I literally spent $3.00 on the invitations for the party. I spent 2.00 on scroll print paper and created my own online. I added my own twist by sealing them with a scroll seal with my daughters first initial on them and complimenting them with some ribbon.
Once the invites were sent out, we wanted to start working on the costumes of everyone who was participating in our household, my daughter has a love for Sleeping Beauty so I planned a month in advance and went to Party City in September and found a costume for $20.00. The rest were being left up to craft. Since the Little Mermaid was always a personal favorite of mine, as a couple, K and I decided to go as Ariel and Eric. The Costumes were simple to make and required little to no sewing, all I had to do was go online to get some inspiration and the costumes came together.
Also joining us at the party included multiple cool costumes including:
-Mickey from Fantasia
-Ursula The Sea Witch
-Captain Hook
-Prince Phillip
& More
Once the big day arrived, it was time to reveal the decorations and Food. We decided that the food was all going to be food themed including setting up a table color coordinated to each princess and filling the tables with princess themed food. We used food coloring to color the pasta to match the princess and each princess got something special.
I labeled every part of the party with a special Disney themed sign to add an additional touch.
Finally, we had games that were all Disney themed including Prince Phillips Castle Pinata, Prince Eric's Fake Tattoo Parlor, and Tiana's pin the kiss on the frog (the kisses were real kisses with lipstick on paper).
Just like that we had a Disney themed party, we did the entire party under $200 and our daughter loved it. Since we planned more than a month in advance and did it little by little, the party was pretty much stress free.
The only stress we had was Wal-Mart giving us a cake with another child's name on it, which lead to us getting the cake for free!
Planning a good party for your children doesn't have to be hard, it can be simple and affordable all you need is a good idea.
Wishing Upon A Star*
Miss. Information
Thursday, October 17, 2013
America's Pretend Fight Against Obesity
Now before people click off and think oh skinny girl going on a rant, I want to point out that I am not pointing the finger or picking on anyone's body shape, just the way America is handling the obesity crisis and a few things that annoy the crap out of me.
First things first, I think it is a sack of bologna that America claims that obesity is the number one problem in America and that they are trying to fix that. Now I am a smaller frame, but by no means am I perfect, but what annoys me the most is when I walk into stores, you can never find a size below a 2xxl. I was in the store buying a white polo yesterday and we weren't able to find one in smaller sizes which for someone in marketing sees that they stock up mostly on bigger sizes because that is what sells.
If these stores are only selling to people who suffer from obesity, how is that trying to solve the problem of obesity?
Anyone who wears a small or medium knows how hard it is to find clothing any more because it seems like American stores only serve those who are over weight!
My next annoyance with America's obesity problem is the attitude that people have about obesity. Now I have multiple family members and friends that legitimatly suffer from being born big boned or have just overall suffered with weight problems and they are genuinely unhappy. I have watched these people diet, go to the gym, do yoga, and put in the effort every day because they are happy to make the change and it is by far not easy for them. They post their accomplishments and are proud to be attempting a healthier lifestyle.
For these people who are proud of their accomplishments, like my friend Sil who has accomplished multiple yoga poses and strives to live a healthier life style even though she understands she may never be a size 2.
I read something online about how people were criticizing a mother of 3 who has the body of a personal training claiming that men only like curvy women and I feel that it has become an excuse to accept the problem rather than to do something about the problem.
Now before I close out, I want to say that this blog was not attacking any body type, so if your comments are to attack me, then don't even waste your breath. If you prefer to happy wit your body type, then I am happy for you, but just like religion and other controversial topics don't claim to be the dominant type, don't make excuses, and don't push your life choices on other people.
There are people who are heavier that are unhappy with who they are and are working to be healthier and America's poor excuse of putting Mcdonalds on every corner, plumping up kids, and creating excuses for not living healthy is nothing more than a slap in the face to those who want to be happy with themselves.
As far as corporate America is concerned, they may need to take a better look at their markets and start accommodating for people below a size 2xxl.
Keep Living Healthy,
Miss Information
Monday, September 30, 2013
Sex Facts: Interesting Facts You Need To Know About Orgasms
Ok so the first interesting fact that I have learned is that there are multiple different types of orgasms. I am not talking about how orgasms are different between men and women, but for each gender there are multiple different types of orgasms including how they occur, where they occur, and how many they occur. (I know you will all be counting now).
Women have very sensitive parts of their body, but the most sensitive part to trigger orgasm? Let me assure you that every man in the world has just blurted out the same answer, and I am sad to let them down because they are wrong. A woman is more likely to have an orgasm through simulation of the nipples compared to any other part of the body.
Everyone is busy, especially if you have kids, so it is common for quickies and skipping the fore play, but what most people don't know is skipping the foreplay is harming your orgasm. Foreplay increases blood flow, which in turn turns your little o into the big O. So if your O's have been disappointing lately, it could be from skipping out on all the foreplay.
Need inspiration for exercise? It is a proven fact that women can actually have an orgasm while doing certain abdominal exercises. Do you really need any more inspiration than that?
This one I had to share because I was hoping to get some feedback. Science has proved it is possible to have an orgasm during child birth......has this ever happened to anyone?
Pump up the volume. Studies have shown that turning up the volume and getting loud during your orgasms can increase the intensity. If you are the shy type, turn up the volume, because you may be missing out.
The Oscar goes to...........sorry to statistically dampen your day guys, but a recent survey shows that women will fake an orgasm 60% of the time....time to step up your game boys.
I have saved the saddest fact for last. There are women out there who can not have orgasms...(A moment of silence please).............In all seriousness, not all women are lucky enough to achieve the heavenly goal at the end of the finish line. (No guys.....this does not explain the 60% of fakers).
Well that is all the randomness about Sex I have for you today...
-Miss Information
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Planning The Perfect Kids Party
I enjoy party planning and I find it relaxing as well as having a major pay off, but I have noticed that some people worry that they don't have the time or the money to do extravagant birthday parties, but everyone can do it no matter what their budget is. I decided to share my wisdom by helping parents get an understanding of how to plan a great party for their kids, without breaking their wallet or their schedule.
The first question to address is when to start planning a child's birthday, I am a believer that you should always start your child's birthday party at the beginning of the month before your kids birthday. I am going to use my own child's birthday as an example throughout this blog. Since my daughters birthday is around Halloween, I always start planning her birthday the beginning of September, so I have approximately two months to plan the birthday party.
The first step to planning your child's birthday is to choose a theme for your child's party. This is an easy step because when children are young, they tend to have an interest in a certain topic or theme. If your child is older, you can ask your child the theme of their choice.
Once the theme has been decided, you want to figure out the who, what, when, and where. Once this is decided, you are going to want to set your first deadline. You want to give people enough time to plan to attend your child's birthday party, so you want to make sure all invitations are mailed out a month before the child's party. You don't have to spend a whole lot on invitations, for example, this year my daughter is having a Disney costume party, so we went and spent 1.97 on scroll paper at Walmart and .48 cent on ribbon to create announcement scrolls.
About the middle of the first month, you want to start doing some research to find some cool ideas for your child's birthday party. You can use sights like Pinterest or check back to my blog as I will start writing ideas for children's birthday parties if I get requests for those types of blogs. You want to write down the ideas for Food, decoration, and theme.
As you inch towards the month before your child's party, you want to finalize some of the research you have done and write out your birthday plans. This takes a few minutes, where you can write out a list of decoration ideas, foods, and activities. Once you have created a list of everything you want to do, you can write out a shopping list for your child's party. You aren't going to buy food until closer to the date, but you want to do a basic list of things like decorations and gifts.
Once your list is made, you want to look at your pay dates and figure out what you can budget so you can start buying supplies for the party and putting them away. The biggest reason so many parents claim they can't afford a party, is that they wait until the last payday before the party and spend their entire paycheck on stuff for the party and find themselves hurting financially, by spreading out the cost, you will find that you won't be hurting yourself financially in the long run.
A week or two (depending on your pay schedule) before, you are going to want to write out a food list and go grocery shopping for the party.
Before you know it, it will be time for the big day and your child will give your a smile that you won't forget and your child will get the birthday party of their dreams.
Always Planning Ahead
-Miss Information
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
The Truth About Pitbulls
I am an owner of a Pitbull named Penny and I decided I wanted people to hear Penny's story.
We adopted Penny when my daughter was only 8 months old. We went to the humane society because adoption is always better. Penny was listed as a lower level, which means she was a great fit for a family with kids.
When we went, we decided that I was going to pick the dog and K who is a lover of pitbulls said he was just going to look. Well he had to see her for some reason. We decided to take her out and check her mentality and as she squeezed her entire body into the baby carrier to see the baby, we decided that she was the one for us.
Penny is gentle and would never hurt a soul. We learned upon her adoption that she was abandoned and ate her way through a fence to get out when her owners moved and left her in the back yard. She was found on the local highway and was extremely under weight.
Even under these extreme conditions and being a Pitbull, Penny is happy. She wants to be everyone's friend and sometimes I am convinced that she has more friends than I do.
With that story being told, I have to say that people who are against Pits because of their breed might as well say that they believe in every other stereotype out there. You all post your horror stories about a pit attacking a child, but I can find multiple stories that are exactly the same, only the breed of dog is different. Every breed of dog has had at least one dog bite someone, and its not the breed that makes them bite, it is the dog.
If you torment a human they are going to have severe psychological issues, the same applies when a dog is put through the same abuse. People claim Pits need to be destroyed, but when your toddler bites someone you aren't rushing them to the pound to put air in their veins. When your teenagers get into a fight in school and strike a child, you don't take them out back and shoot them.
Pits should be treated as individuals and not bunched into a basic stereotype. If you disagree than anything bad you have ever done to anyone else, is grounds for you to be put down.
Just Barkin My Opinion
-Miss Information
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Monday, September 9, 2013
Biggest Parenting Peeves
My favorite kind of parent on the list of bad parents are the phone parents. The parents that you see when you go to the park whose kid is knocking other peoples kids down and they are just sitting their checking out pictures on Facebook. The park can be dangerous and someone could easily steal your kid. Plus other parents bring their children to the park to make new memories, not to babysit a child that they don't know.
Another top parenting fail are the ones who let their kids run wild in grocery stores. Now when I take my daughter to the store, I make her sit in the cart or hold hands if she is walking. I see way to many parents that let their children run wild and they end up cutting people off, tripping people, or blocking people who are just trying to get their shopping done. If you can't handle shopping with multiple kids, maybe your next trip should be down the condom isle.
Now this is a big one and it hits close to my heart. When you are with someone who has kids of their own, they become a part of your child's life. Jealousy is completely understandable because hey its a new woman in your ex's life. However, when your children become teenagers and lash out at you for being a bad parent, you can not blame anyone else but yourself.
You should never convince your children there is something wrong with them, just for the benefits of gaining a paycheck so you don't have to work. There are parents out there that struggle with real issues and still work hard to give their kids what they need. By making claims that your child has mental issues so you can sit on your ass when in fact there is nothing wrong with the child is not only fraud but also an insult to people with children who also suffer.
Another parenting peeve on the list is the balance of attention. If you have multiple kids, you should love all of your children the same. You should not be giving one child expensive gadgets, but then giving your other children hand me downs as Christmas presents. I have seen multiple friends of mine juggle multiple kids, even ones with medical problems, and still pay attention to their other children. So like I said before, if you keep having children simply to get a paycheck, you are nothing short of a disgrace.
Parenting isn't easy and some people just have a natural knack for parenting, even though it has its struggles, some people should not be allowed to be parents. It is sickening to see that so many children are growing up without their dads, but the truth is sometimes the mother is to blame. When you are popping out multiple children with multple daddies, then perhaps the problem isn't the fathers, but in fact you.
I guess I am just a believer that there should be an application to have children.
Doing the best I can
-Miss Information
Thursday, September 5, 2013
10 days of Great Sex
Now before the men are all like boo because it's talking about hormones and all that girly stuff, the truth is, some of these tricks may work in your favor as well.
Day 1: Take control ladies. You are at an all time high with hormones, so instead of wanting to rip his face off, try getting a little rough in other ways. It's not like they don't enjoy the view they are getting or the fact that they can lay back and do nothing.
Day 2: Slow it down a bit. When you are starting to feel emotional and wanting to cry, take it to the bedroom but see if you can get your man to slow it down and be sensual. Since you had a rough night the night before, there is a good chance he will be willing to slow it down and yes it will be incredible.
Day 3: Be A Little Giving....lets face it when it comes to sex, we like it to be about us, so you should be willing to pamper your man once in a while as well. Try starting things off with a nice back rub.
Day 4: Be creative. This is your time to shine, do something you have never done before by being creative and thinking outside the box. The best part of this day is you will give your hubby a nice surprise and a new side of you he has never seen.
Day 5: If you want things to get even sexier, on day five challenge one another. You want to bring out your competitive edge, so this could mean challenging him to a racy game of strip poker or some other edgy game.
Day 6: Be straight forward. Men love to be complimented and they love to hear everything that makes them desirable. Kick things off by giving him some insight into why you find hum luscious.
Day 7: It is proven that men prefer sex in the morning, so surprise him by joining him in the shower today.
Day 8: Make it quick! At this point in time you have been having a lot of sex and sometimes there is nothing more addicting than a quickie!
Day 9: Obsess Slightly. Take this time to really fix in on him today. Be flirtatious and even tease a little bit, yet another day of letting him know you want him.
Day 10: Conquer new ground. Don't be afraid to try new things again, try setting the mood by getting yourself a new outfit that will make his jaw drop, focus on your happy ending, and go to town.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Get Over Yourself! Winning one of the toughest battles.
Humans also tend to face various battles that animals don't seem to face and that is the battle against yourself. They say you should always be nice because you never know what another person is battling. I for one have always fought battles with myself and tend to be self-conscious over pretty much everything.
I get self-conscious over the way that I look, what other people think of me, and I always seem to notice the worst about myself. Sometimes this problem gets to the point where it seems to fall out of reach and I slide into a slight depression over it.
I had come to realize just how much I let this take over my life and was wondering if it is ever possible to win a war against yourself? They always pass off that you have to love yourself before you love others crap, but the truth is how does someone who doesn't love themselves just suddenly start?
Now I don't believe that you can look at someone and be like love yourself and they are going to be like oh my god I am in love with myself, and in fact that is one of my biggest peeves. I suffer from anxiety and when people tell me "just stop" I want to punch them in the baby maker like if I could just stop the anxiety attacks I wouldn't have done it from the beginning.
I don't believe that you can just stop fighting yourself in an instant, but I do believe in change. I have decided to do a little experiment about my own self-conscious issues and took the initiative to change myself physically by bettering my body. This to me was the easiest route because the physical fight is nothing compared to the emotional and the mental self-conscious issues, but I believe that everyone has the chance to get over themselves.
So my advice today is to take the journey to get over yourself and try simply by changing. It takes time and effort, but you can do it. I have started the physical change and it has been pretty amazing to see results. When I begin to work on the other parts, maybe I will have more to offer.
So the next time you are in a social situation be kind to someone or try to let them know you want to be their friend because you never know what kind of battles people are fighting on the inside.
Fighting the good fight and I think I am winning.
-Miss Information.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Where Has All The Romance Gone
So these movie don't set an unrealistic standard for women's views on love, it is just that romance has disappeared.
There was once a time when a man would die for the honor of a woman. There was a time when men would fight to the death over a woman, but now we have men that don't want to support their children, let alone the woman who birthed them, and men who use terms like booty and SWAG!
There is nothing unrealistic about these romance movies, its just that society has turned their back on them. Now I know that finances are the number one reason behind divorce, but I wonder how different this statistic would be if romance was what it once was or what it is in the movies.
Infidelity is common, but its because there is a lack of romance, people crave the thrill of the beginning of a relationship because that is the only place where romance still stands.
Men always claim that they don't understand women, but the answer is clear. When you sit down and watch a movie of a true love story and think to yourself great chick flick, you are missing out on the clear picture.
Women want romance ...just like in the movies....but what exists today is far from romance, if you look at some of the classic movies to today's standards, there would be major differences...
Titanic- if she didn't take the spot on the lifeboat, he would have called her stubborn and taken her seat.
The Notebook- He would have just kept sleeping around with women and drank himself stupid, called himself a player and her nothing but a gold digger.
Ghost- She would have collected the life insurance policy and found herself a man half her age (like Ashton).
Aside from coming back to the dead, these movies aren't asking for a lot from men in terms of romance, they represent how a man would die trying to save a woman, how nothing and no one can keep you away from someone you have to have, and that once you have her, there is no one that could ever replace her.
A little romance can go a long way, even though our lives get busy, the woman in your life should always know that she is the one, that she has always been the one, and if not, then you are not meant to be.
Hopelessly Romantic
-Miss Information
Sunday, September 1, 2013
The Letting Yourself Go Debate
I did another blog similar on this topic about how you have to make time for yourself as a mother. But to make the claims that women who keep themselves well put together doesn't put their child's needs ahead of their own is completely ridiculous.
Now I am not talking about putting on weight with kids, which it is possible to lose and I know many mothers who want to, but aren't sure how to find the time and lets face it, working out does take some time.
What I am talking about is the mother who walks around in ripped sweatpants and wears the same t-shirt for three days who can't be bothered to wash her hair or brush it. Saying that you look like that is nothing more than an excuse. There are plenty of women who put their children's needs first and still manage to put themselves together on a daily basis.
Now I am not saying that you have to look like a supermodel everyday, because lets face it, no one has that kind of time or money. But there is no reason why you can't go thrifting for presentable jeans if you are on a tight budget and buy decent clothes. When I see mothers in Wal-mart that look like they fell out of bed and into the hamper, I want to throw up. I personally would never let myself look like that in public. Even though I care what I look like, I make sure my daughter always looks presentable as well. My daughter has a bigger wardrobe than me and everything she needs, but I still have presentable clothes to look like a human being.
If you are running short on time with your kids, straighten your hair for a few days, get makeup at the dollar store, but for the love of god pull it together women!
Put it together
-Miss Information
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Fun Facts About Sex Dreams
Here we go....and some of these may be shocking.
Women have just as many sex dreams as men! (Considering men think about sex every 7 seconds, I would have thought men would have taken the cake on that one.)
Even though both genders have the same amount of sex dreams, there is a difference in those dreams. Men are more likely to dream about imaginary women, where women are more likely to dream about real people (we know 75% of women have sex dreams of Channing Tatum).
What makes our first fact so interesting is earlier studies showed men having twice as many sex dreams as women, but current testing shows no difference (dirty girls).
OK, so now that we know who is having naughty dreams, what are we dreaming about?
Studies show that we dream about sexual intercourse followed by flirtation, kissing, and other naughty things. (Gotta keep it calm kids).
4% of people who have a sex dream achieve orgasm.
15% of women dream of unwanted sex, where only 9% of men dream of unwanted sex. (What man doesn't want sex?)
4% of women reported of their partner achieving orgasm in their dream, where no men reported this (there's a shocker)
Finally, studies have shown that your sexual dreams are a reflection of your walking thoughts, so if you are dreaming of make believe people, it means you desire sex with strangers.
Now I have filled your head with naughty thoughts, I wish you all sweet dreams.
Dreaming of You...
-Miss Information
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
The Technological Child, What's The Big Deal?
Now I am not saying you should sit your kid in front of the television all day because children do need fresh air, but the same people that are making these claims are the ones introducing online high schools that take away fresh air and social interaction. I believe technology is great for children of all ages, depending on how you use it.
Now my daughter is three years old and knows her way around most technologies, but we are monitoring what she is doing with technology. Since I work from home, I have to keep her busy and while we do traditional things like paint and color, I also let her sit in front of the computer for hours as well. But when she is on the computer she is playing, which is an incredible learning site for children and is also responsible for my three year old knowing and identifying all of her letters and on the verge of reading on her own. I also let her play where she is playing and learning her numbers and letters.
I also let my daughter watch television. We do read books and she loves to read, so the television hasn't really taken away from books. However, I believe the content that children are being sat in front of could be what the concern is. I don't know about everyone else, but I feel my IQ drop every time I watch Spongebob Square Pants and feel like I should be doing LSD in order to understand Yo Gabba Gabba. However, I have found that shows like Dora the Explorer and other shows on television are educational and helping children with their future.
Now like I said in my spanking blog that people apprently didn't get the message so I will repeat myself THIS IS MY BLOG AND MY OPINION, I APPRECIATE YOUR OPINIONS ON THE SUBJECT, BUT I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT MY PARENTING STYLE.
I know there are people out there who don't agree with what I let my daughter do and believe I should be taking the time to teach her, but the truth of the matter is the people who are making these claims have never worked from home. They either are a stay at home mom who only has to worry about housework (which there is nothing wrong with stay at home momes) and they are the ones who send their child to daycare and help them with their homework at night. Working from home is difficult and I am guilty of using technology.
However the whole point in this blog is to understand what is the big deal? As long as the technology is educational how does it harm a child in preparing them for kindergarten? If it is so bad, why are they offering it as educational alternatives?
Keeping it technical
-Miss Information
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Using Writing Services, Working For Them, and Links For You To Find Them
Writing services can have the following benefits to business:
-They can handle your website content to obtain SEO
-They can save you time with blog posts
-They can write professional reports for you on a bind
-They can help you get your business started with business plans
-They can assist you with fixing and creating resumes.
If you are looking for some extra cash in your home, writing services could be helpful to you as well. All you need is a basic talent to write and you can start writing the same day and start making money. The nice thing about writing through these sites is that you can make as much money as you want. It all depends on the work you put into it.
Writing services are an incredible resource for everyone, because lets face it, not everyone has a talent for writing. I have decided to help everyone out by offering some resources that can help you get started working as a writer or get you the help you need from a writing service.
The advertisements on the side of this blog are a great start because they are sponsored by Google, if you don't see a writing service post, refresh. Even if it is just a service offered and you are looking to write, still click on them and see their writers section.
If you need a resume to help get you a job check out Boca Writers, they service all around the world here:
Also if you need writing service done or are looking to become a writer for free, I personally am an affiliate with Iwriter, you can start writing or put up a project here:
-Supporting My Industry
Miss Information
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Child Spanking Is It OK?
The idea of spanking has been going on for some time now and I have to come right out and say it, I believe that children need a spanking from time to time. Now I know everyone is going to counter with some BS about how wrong it is I am going to debunk those theories now....
It is wrong to inflict pain on a child. Yes I believe punching a child in the face is wrong, I am not some evil creature who punches puppies and babies. I believe a spanking should be restricted to the bottom and to the hands. There should never be use of inanimate objects for a spanking because that is crossing the line of giving some warning and inflicting real pain. If you think a little pain makes someone a bad parent, if you have ever taken your kid to get shots, you have intentionally inflicted pain on your child.
I have old school beliefs and I believe that children should mind. Ever since the spanking debate has come to surface you are seeing children running like wild animals in WalMart and teenagers that are bullying kids in school. Those who don't believe in causing pain from a small spanking doesn't realize their child is growing up causing pain on other peoples kids.
Now you have those parents that I like to call by the book parents. Those parents that buy into the whole let your child express what they feel and use only your words and your child will stop misbehaving. When you tell your child t say what they feel, when they feel someone else is over weight you want them to think its OK to call that person fat or ugly? Now I know you are all going to say that spanking teaches a child that hitting is OK when it fact it is the total opposite. If you restrict a spanking to the rear end to teach a child right and wrong all you are teaching a child is spanking o the butt. If you handle spanking the right way, your child will not hit other children out of fear of being spanked themselves.
I could sit here and debate spanking all day but I like to look at facts. Back in the 1950s everyone got spankings, even at school. Now this new BS express yourself parenting crap comes out and bullying is an issue, schools are no longer safe, and teenagers are beating up on old people. I was raised in a way that was show respect to other or else face the consequences. I was given spankings and I am not a violent person, I respect my elder, and I as a parent think it is important that my child behaves in a strong manner.
I don't believe anyone should be able to spank a child only certain people like parents and grand parents, but I do know the facts that as spanking has stopped, the children are getting worse.
On my best behavior,
Miss Information
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Tips You Need To Help You Get A Job
Writing a resume can be difficult because it is all about presentation. You could hire a professional writer to write it such as By going to a professional, you know that you are getting the proper format that you need and that you are getting a resume that is written to HR standards.
If you are going to write your own there are some things you need to know.
-An employer only takes 30 seconds at most to look at a resume.
-You have to highlight your qualifications to summarize what is in your resume
-Use bullets
-Using headlines helps employers find what they are looking for.
-You want to use a job specific resume, don't waste the employers time.
-You also want to make sure you aren't showing unemployment, job specific resumes make it seem like you were somewhere not relevant to that job.
You always want to send in a cover letter, even though it is optional, this is the time to say what you have to say. You want to make sure you are using a specific format that is going to highlight why that employer needs to hire you over everyone else. When you are writing a cover letter:
-Make sure to be specific. Don't use to whom it may concern, do some research and find out who is looking at resumes so you know who to address.
-Always mention the company name in your cover letter.
-Never use cliche salutations such as sincerely, use something original like regards or best wishes.
These tips are going to change your resume for good and increase your chances of getting a job. Using a professional resume writing service could be worth the money. If you do, make sure you call the numbers because they can always give you better deals then you will find on the website.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
How To Get Rid Of The Clutter
I have found the biggest space for clutter for me is the linen closet. I get sick and tired of reorganizing and refolding stuff because everyone likes t grab from the bottom. I have found a great way to organize my linen closet. Now I have had one too many battles with fitted sheets, so I have began folding a rolling my sheets. I wrap them in a rubber band, label them with a sticky note and stack them in neat little rolls. Once you have your sheet situation sorted out, you can go to the dollar store and get a few cheap baskets. You will want one basket for dish towels and one for wash cloths. Once you have inserted the baskets into your closet, there is plenty of room for you to nicely fold your towels and use the basket to hold them nicely in place.
My next biggest clutter spot is my daughters room. I hate that all the toys get pulled out to find one toy. So I went and bought a three drawer tote that fits easily in the corner or in the closet. I use the top drawer for dress up stuff, the middle drawer for puzzles, and the bottom drawer for legos. All the bigger toys go in the toy box. I fold and wrap small blankets, just like I did in the linen closet. When it comes to art supplies, I like to use the old hanging shoe racks, the ones with the pouches, hang it on the back of the closet to hold art supplies. This is also a really great way to organize your food pantry for some extra space.
One of the biggest pains for me is the bathroom garbage. I always take the bag out and then get distracted. I have learned from a wise woman to put multiple store bags in the garbage can at once. So you layer them so when you pull one out, there is already one waiting.
I have also found other really great bathroom ideas for organization such as making storage out of mason jars over your sink to old your stuff, using cookie sheets and magnets to store your makeup, and once again using baskets to organize under the sink.
The kitchen can be another big room that is common for clutter as well. I have found the plastics drawer to be the worst. I like to use towel racks to put on the back of the cabinet door to hold the lids. You want to get a good fit so they will hold between the rack and the door. You can do the same for pot lids as well. This leaves you more room to store pots and pan and the plastic bowls. If you are really desperate, you can use napkin holders to organize your plates.
Well that should be enough to get you started....
Keep it organized...
-Miss Information
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Sex From The Female Mind...
Ok so let us start with the basics, boys we know you all are so excited to race toward the finish line, but the truth is us ladies need some build-up. That is right, we need some attention that requires other parts of your body....yes you do have other parts of your body.
Now, I know I don't have to explain the denim hoo haa rub, boys seriously......its not OK.
There is just something about the way a man smells, it is will help ya out. Personally, I have a thing for Derek Jeter's Driven Cologne.....
Truth be told boys, women have a tendency to get a little crazy too, we just are a little more reserved. Think of it like dogs, when you are a new dog that may be a wild dog, but you have another dog coming at you ready to mount and go, you are going to get a little more reserved too. So in other words, play it cool and your girl may feel more comfortable getting a little wild.
Now this is something I have noticed about men. Men love little outfits, but they haven't quite mastered the look they should have or the reaction. If a woman presents you in a tiny outfit, your jaw had better hit the floor, or you may never see it again. Girls are self conscious, so if they put it on, you had better react.
Now I am going to cover a serious topic here....faking.....
Now there are a million other things we could get into, like how most men that think they are good at 3rd base aren't or how gross body hair is for most women, but I think most men want to know more about faking than anything. Now it is a proven fact that women have an orgasm that lasts three times longer than that of a have the more frequently. Now don't get us wrong, they are good, but there is a good way to tell if a woman is faking or if she is legit. Over doing it. Odds are if she is going through the roof ready to break stuff....sorry boys...
Now I have given men a glimpse into the sexual mind of a female. Now keep in mind some women are more wild than others, but those are secrets we have to keep to ourselves...or else, what fun would it be?
-Miss Information
Tips For Redecorating Your Living Room
Monday, August 19, 2013
How To Plan & Helpful Tips For Going To Disney
The Planning Process
Obviously the first part of the planning process is to make sure that you set the date. Once the date is set, you want to make sure you make arrangements with your job, this is a common problem in the planning process. Now when you are making the date, you want to do some research. There are various websites where you can look at dates for crowd expectancy and weather. You want to choose dates that are going to have smaller crowds and when you won't have to worry about major weather issues.
Now after I chose the date, I decided to look into hotel options. You don't have to stay at a Disney resort to have the ultimate trip, in fact, we stayed at a decent hotel and only paid $30 a night. Once I found the hotel, I looked at upcoming pay checks and decided to pay for the hotel with an upcoming check. So when it came time for the trip, it was one less expense that we had to spend.
I did the same thing for the tickets as well. You can buy Disney tickets online, and what I did was bought them one at a time through the course of multiple paychecks. Dumping out 300 for three tickets in one day can be hurtful on your wallet. Separating out the cost, will also give you more spending money on the day that you are there.
Research the parks for tips, now this is what I did and I am going to share with you the tips that I found worked that allowed us to do Disney in a day.
Write out lists. I wrote out two separate lists, one for the trip to Orlando and one for inside the park.
You can get a copy of the menus for every place to eat inside Disney. This will help you decide where to eat and help you plan how much you want to spend.
Tips For Disney
Before we even went to Disney, we went to a Walmart near Disney and discovered that they have Disney sections with all the souvenirs you would find at Disney, only they are cheaper. I grabbed my daughter a shirt, a doll, and an autograph book and only spent $25.
Do the Mountains First. You are going to want to get into the park and fast pass a chance to meet Mickey or the princesses. This is important if you don't want to wait in line. Everyone can use a fast pass, they are free with your ticket. Once you have done this, you want to go to Splash Mountain and only wait 10 minutes, later in the day, it will be almost a 2 hour wait. From there you want to go to Thunder Mountain, which is right next to splash mountain.
By this time, you will be able to cash in on your fast pass, which is on your way to tomorrow land. Once you have met Mickey, you are going to want to fast pass space mountain. There is plenty to do in tomorrow land to kill time until space mountain. If you are traveling with kids too small, you want to send groups one at a time to space mountain so you can ride and someone can watch the kids.
The parades kick off at 3 from Frontierland. If you watch them Frontierland, you will be done watching the parade before everyone else, giving you first shot at other busy attractions.
Once you get through all this, the rest of the day can be spent traveling with ease. Don't be afraid to use your fast pass, and you can get through this great park in only one day.
A Dream Is A Wish,
-Miss Information
Sunday, August 18, 2013
How To Have A Story Book Christmas On A Little Budget
Now I know many of you are thinking to yourselves, she is writing about the holidays in August, is she drunk? No my friends, I am aware of the current month, but I have chosen to write this now because now is the time to start making these big holidays happen. I will do other segments on birthdays, but I wanted this one to focus mainly on Christmas time (I celebrate Christmas, this works for other holidays as well, don't comment giving me a Happy Holidays political correct lecture, I am writing what I know.)
The first step to having a story book Christmas is decorations. The best thing about this time of year is that we are not in peak season for Christmas, yet craft stores keep their stuff out year round. You can also stock up right after Christmas when stuff goes on sale. Another great way is to start looking at crafts on Pinterest and start buying some of the stuff now. Put it in the tote in the garage and you will be amazed at how incredible your Christmas display will be. KJ is a huge fan of outdoor decor and we find ours getting bigger every year. But if you start buying now and spending 10 bucks on a Christmas decoration here and there, you will be surprised by how much you have in December.
Now we all know that Christmas is not about the presents. But every story book Christmas has presents. My daughter has a birthday in October and I always plan on buying her a few gifts for her birthday, but I still like to start for Christmas in September. You start by going to the dollar store with only 10 bucks and find little toys to fill the stocking. You save up your change jug and start buying the toys and the clothes and stocking them away. Every payday, you set a small budget, like 20 bucks and go buy a Christmas present for your child.
Now I mentioned that people can do this on a budget and the truth is, you have to know where to shop. Last year I bought my daughter 12 DVDs and only spent 25.00. How you may ask? I ordered them over time through Amazon where they are only 4 bucks for a DVD. Back to school sales are going on, so now is the time to take advantage of the deals and start buying crayons and coloring books and other art related stuff.
Everyone can have a story book Christmas, but the key is starting early. Only do what you can afford, but everyone can spare 10 bucks every once in a while for some stocking stuffers to save themselves 10 dollars they would be spending in December. Not only can you have your story book Christmas, but you can also make the holiday season a little easier on your wallet and your finances.
Christmas in August
-Miss Information
Saturday, August 17, 2013
How To Work From Home For Free
Lets start with the most common question: What Do You Do?
Now, I don't sit around and write blogs and get paid for it, even though I am sure everyone wishes they could make a career out of this. I created this blog as an attempt to make additional money because if I keep my blog consecutive and full of information that people will want to read, Google may accept me to place ads on my blog for me to make money off of it, so right now Miss. Information is just fun and entertaining.
When I work from home I do multiple things. I am a freelance writer. As a freelance writer I accept various projects that other people need done in the sense of writing. I have written resumes, articles, copy writing, reviews for amazon, and general publications that are considered Ghost Writing. Ghost writing means that my name doesn't go on any of it.
I am also a marketing assistant for a company called Magnum Dealer Focus. With this job I find the latest information about car dealerships, create blogs, and handle email marketing campaigns. I also do a ton of stuff with social networking. I enjoy this job because as you can see on I get credit for the things that I am writing.
Ok, now that you all know what I do, I want to address the next question: Do you pay to work from home?
I know there are a lot of work from home opportunities that require an investment. I get my work through freelance sites that do offer free programs. The free programs are limited, but I used them to get started, but the joined the monthly for like 10 a month, which I make more than that anyway so the benefits were worth the price. There are sites that you do have to invest in and there are other ways to work from home as well.
That brings me to my next point: How Can I Work From Home?
I work as a writer and unfortunately not everyone can be a writer. You have to have a writing talent in order to get a writing job. The whole thing about working from home is knowing what you are good at and what you know. Personally, I am a writer and I have a marketing degree, so I work from home as a writer and telecommute for marketing companies.
If you have a talent of knowledge like fitness, design, or whatever else, you can work from home as a consultant. Consultants are the number one at home business out there and all you have to do is walk people through what you know.
You can work as admin from home or other business matters. My friend L.R has made a very successful business for herself working within he business sector of things.
Basically if you want to work from home, you have to know what you are good at, look into the options, and do the research. I got my start as a writer doing research, found the work sites, and it all goes from there.
I love what I do, but this is not forever for me. I may keep the blog if it gets ads and makes me money for writing because I enjoy marketing, but this is only a way to work my way into my masters degree to become an admin for a hospital. Working from home does help pay the bills and for some people it works, but you have to have talent, know what your doing, and know where to look.
Workin From My Bedroom
-Miss Information
Thursday, August 15, 2013
The Truth About Working From Home
I would like to start out this blog by listing some of the common misconceptions that people have about working from home:
"I wish I could work from home and stay in my pajamas and not have to do my hair or anything"
"It is easier to work from home"
"You work from home, there's no reason you can't have a clean house"
"You get more luxuries than people with regular jobs"
So those are some very common misconceptions about working from home and I have to admit, if you have said any of these things to someone who works out of the house, you should be ashamed of yourself because you are being offensive.
Working from home doesn't make my job any less important then the jobs of you people who go to work from 9-5. As far as the first misconception goes, we are still human beings and we are evolved past being common apes. Even though we work from home, we still groom ourselves on a daily basis. I may not have to wear office casual or business professional, but I still have to get dressed everyday. In fact, there are times when I have conferences on Skype, so if I didn't groom, I probably wouldn't still have a job.
As far as is being easy to work from home, please don't make me laugh. When I work from home, I deal with constant distractions and have to show more restrain. For those of you who work in an office, you have strict rules you have to follow and people who make sure your work gets done. I am on my own and do my own scheduling, and am tempted every time Maury Povich is about to reveal a baby daddy. But I have to work past the distractions to get my work done, because like everyone else, I have a quota of work that has to get done in a day or else I don't get paid.
As far as the chores and having a clean house goes, I work eight hours a day, if not more. Some of my jobs have deadlines and others I work on a strict schedule. Now as I had mentioned there are people close to me that also own their own business and work from home who can back me on this statement, for privacy sake we will call her LR. LR owns her own business where she works from home and has to leave her home to complete her job as well. Now examining both our working situations, I would like to know where everyone else gets to leave their 8 hour job to do their laundry? When LR is running professional errands, is she supposed to be late meeting with clients because she is waiting for her delicates to dry? The answer is no people. We don't have any more extra time then you do.
Finally and this one is my personal favorite. Having more luxuries than other jobs. Now as I mentioned while I am working from home I am with Miss. A and LR is with a very special young man that we will call Doze. Now imagine being on your phone at work with a very important client who wants updates on your current project and while you are on the phone, the person in the cubical next to you throws him or herself on the ground screaming and crying over wanting the other cereal. Imagine being at your computer rushing to meet your deadline for quota when your boss drops his cup of juice all over the floor, then proceeds to step on it. Imagine being on skype for an important conference call only to have a co worker walk naked behind you. These are the luxuries that LR and I deal with everyday, working from home. Yes we get to have coffee at our desks, but so do most people at the office, yes we can wear sweatpants to work, but have you ever been to Walmart? The point is, what you call luxuries, we call reasons to get a job in an office.
So that is my rant for today and hopefully you have a new insight of how lucky you are to be working in an office and getting to interact with coworkers that are your own age and don't spend most of their time picking their nose. So before you use any of the misconceptions above to someone who works at home...think about it....they work just as hard as anyone else.
Blogging in my PJS
-Miss Information
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Does Working While Pregnant Harm Your Baby?
As an example, I have a long time friend, we will call her LC. She has always been a hard worker and believes in working to support her children and her family. She works in the healthcare field and is currently pregnant with her second child. She is a believer that even though she lifts and does other hard work, that it is OK for her to work while she is pregnant.
She has been treated unfairly because of her condition where people are judging her for working. They tell her things like her baby is going to be harmed, she is putting too much strain on her body and she has even had patients refuse her care.
Now the first issue I have with this is the fact that people are telling her to stop working. She is a believer that you should work as long as you can to support your child. She has a child at home and one on the way, her working to prepare herself financially is nothing short if inspirational when we live in a world of women who get pregnant only to collect welfare. She should not be made to feel like a bad mother because she is supporting her family the noble way.
Second, it is a proven fact and I can attach some resources if you like that being active while you are pregnant is better than sitting on your butt. I have heard so many women that complain about gaining weight after their pregnancy, but the truth is, they weren't active during their pregnancy. So instead of hurting her baby, which since she is used to doing the work, it is doing no harm to her baby, she is actually doing herself a favor to help lose weight after the baby comes.
Now before writing this I did a small interview with LC and she was kind enough to share her story because people make her feel like a bad mother. She is far from a bad mother for her choices but merely a good mother for wanting to work as much as she can to give her children a good life.
This shows me what is wrong with being a mother, when you are a mother, you are subject to unwanted advice from people who don't know what they are talking about. There are people who think they know the medical world by claiming that they know from experience, but her doctor has told her working is ok. Instead of questioning a hard working mom for working, lets ask why people believe they are more qualified than an MD to make life choices for other people. Instead of supporting lazy moms, lets support the working moms.
Keep On Workin LC, Your A Great Mom
-Miss Information
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Taking The First Easy Steps Into Healthy Living
1.) Eat At Home! Now I am not saying that you have to begin by dieting and giving up foods you love, but the first step to healthy living is eating at home. Home cooked meals are delicious, better for you than fast food, and family dining has been said to have mental benefits as well.
2.) Drink More Water! They say water is the most important part of living healthy and that you should drink 8 glasses of water a day. Now I have tried this and lets just say it is impossible for me to drink that much water in a day. So don't have to completely stop drinking what you drink right away, but try introducing a few more glasses of water in for a day, baby steps is key.
3.) Walk A Little More! Walking is one of the best exercises you can do and walking a little bit more every day is a great way to get started with an exercise program.
4.) Control Your Stress! Most people don't know the role that stress plays on their health, but if you want to start a healthy lifestyle, you need to learn a healthy way to control stress!
5.) Cut back on toxins. Now the first step to healthy living is to get rid of toxins. Before you start body building and looking healthy, you have to give up the bad stuff you put into your body. The first step is to quit smoking, drinking, and any other bad things that could be killing you slowly.
Now if you want to live a healthy lifestyle and eventually want the perfect body, you may not be able to jump in with both feet, not everyone has that type of dedication. These baby steps can get you started by jumping into a healthy lifestyle slowly. The more you adjust, the easier the changes will be come.
Healthy Living,
Miss. Information!
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Fun Facts About Sex
Now anyone who knows me knows that I have an addiction to useless information....thus the blog name. I am the queen of Google! However, what makes me different from other Google nerds is I enjoy Googling facts that other people wouldn't know. Like I don't look up when Chris Columbus sailed the ocean, because frankly knowing a snail can sleep for 3 years is more interesting to me.
So since it is Sunday (No I am not going crazy, I know I already wrote my daily blog), I decided that I am going to close out the blog and start out a new week with a fun blog that is not as depressing as my last one. So sex is the one thing we all know, love, and can't seem to stop blushing over. We know the logistics of sex that part one plus part two equals babies. I have taken it upon myself to do some research and share what I think are the most interesting facts about sex.
1.) We are not trying to deny it, as women we are self conscious as can be. We hate our thunder thighs, try to hide our muffin top, and don't want you to know that we missed a spot shaving our legs. However, statistics show that more men will prefer lights when getting down. In fact, one in every four men! What are you hiding from us boys?
2.) I have to admit this is like my favorite fact ever. Most people don't know that the vibrator was invented to cure hysteria.....ill let that sink in for a minute ladies...anyone else feeling hysterical?
3.) As women we always joke about a guy having a crooked rocket ship, but what we don't realize is that a quarter of them are! Be careful who you make the crooked joke in front of!
4.) This is a well known fact but its always fun to know you burn 200 calories in a half hour of sex! Please don't post these workout photos, stick to the weight lifting ones!
5.) There is just something sexy about...celery? Truth be told when a man eats celery it releases a hormone that makes them more attractive to women.
6.) A survey that was conducted showed that most women fantasize about fire it getting hot in here?
7.) A very depressing survey showed that 75 percent of men can reach orgasm every time they have sex, where only 25 % of women can RSVP to the party and come....
8.) Who is responsible for the largest penis? Well every man who just raised their hand can put it down unless they can top a whale that has an average penis size of 8 feet. Seriously....put your hands down.
Well those are the sexy fun facts for today, I hope you all learned something new....
Miss Information
Defining Selfishness
It is important to be selfish from time to time, especially if you are someone who always does for others. When you are a mom, it is OK to be selfish from time to time because you dedicate your entire life to someone else. So when you spend all your money clothing kids, it is OK to be selfish from time to time to buy yourself a pair of pants.
Sometimes defining selfishness is simple, but other times not so much. When it comes to the matter of the heart is it OK to be selfish. When you are hurting people who love you in order to do for yourself, is selfish going to far?
It is human nature to be selfish, but how do you draw the line between doing right by you and doing right by others? Can you argue that you should always get what you want despite of how it makes others feel. Does it make a difference when it comes to who you are neglecting with selfish actions.
At the other time, at what point do you have a say when it comes to interfering with other peoples actions without being selfish for yourself? Are you selfish when you are asking someone to go against something they enjoy if it means keeping them around longer?
Selfishness can be both good and bad, but finding the line between good and bad is difficult, if not somewhat impossible.
Friday, August 9, 2013
Breastfeeding What All The Fuss Is About
Now breast feeding is completely natural and I have to agree that a mother can't not feed her child in public because it makes people feel uncomfortable. I have heard a lot of stipulation about breast feeding in public including that women should go in the bathroom. Now people who say that are just plain stupid. Would you go take your lunch in a dirty bathroom stall and eat? Absolutely not. Breastfeeding is natural and is some mothers choice.
Now on the other side of the leaf, I have to agree with some anti breastfeeders as well. I have to admit that whipping out a tit and feeding away is a bit much in a public place. We once judged celebrities for pulling their tatas out in public and this is no different. Even though breastfeeding is natural so is peeing, but if some guy whipped his tally out in front of your kids and started peeing, he would end up in jail.
With that said, I am going to finish off with my opinion on a few things about breast feeding.
- We understand that you have to breast feed in public, if your child is hungry, please feed him where you are, but have respect for people there and cover your child with a blanket or at least turn away from the public eye. They make covers for that reason, use them.
- Don't ask a woman who is breast feeding to ever go in a bathroom or a car, if you want their kid to eat lunch there, be willing to go sit in the stall next to them and see how pleasurable that is for you.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Communicating In Relationships- A New Outlook On Your Biggest Problems & Tips For A Solution
So today I have decided to touch base on relationships. I personally have been in a relationship for quite a few years with a great guy, for safety purposes we will call him KJ, KJ and I have been together for quite some time and we have had our share of problems. I have come to the conclusion that too many relationships fail. I see it on television and in real life, when couples find one thing they don't like about the other person, they make that grounds of termination for the relationship.
I didn't want that for KJ & I, and I didn't want our daughter to grow up like that. So I started to do some evaluations and some research about communication and relationships (I research everything, thus the name Miss. Information). After I have done some of the research, this is what I have learned.
- Most of the time, both parties in the argument are wrong.
- You are too close to see that you are being irrational or over dramatic.
- Everyone has opinions and most arguments stem from those opinions.
- Everyone has opinions
- Everyone has the right to that opinion, when you get mad over your partner voicing that opinion, you are getting upset for them feeling the way that they feel.
- Bottling up the way you feel, will get worse.
- When you scream about someone telling you how they feel, you are telling them that they don't really feel that matter what you say, what you argue, or what you do, that is how your partner feels and you need to hear it.
- Try taking 2 hours a week to go grab coffee and just talk.....about anything.
- Take some times to write out the negatives you don't like about your partner and the positives as well. Sit down and discuss your list. Each person gets to make their negatives argument without interruption (They get to say whats on their mind). After you have gone through the negatives list, read the positives, to make your partner feel good and remember why you fell in love in the first place.
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
The Apple Obsession, What's The Big Deal?
My main concern here is the Iphone. I see so many people who own Iphones and I just don't understand the hype. I know plenty of people who use their Iphone to check their Facebook, do their banking, check their email, Google stuff on the Internet, and of course play Candy Crush (Don't deny it, you are addicted). Now what I don't understand is I have an Android phone through Metro PCS and my phone checks Facebook, checks email, and everything else that the Iphone seems to do, I can even play Candy Crush (Don't worry addicts, we will get through this together).
Now what really makes my jaw drop faster than you can get the candy to the bottom is the fact that people are paying 300 dollars a month in cell phone bills to have an iPhone and all I can think of is that these people are high or candy crush has rotted their brain. My phone does the same thing as these Iphones, it runs pretty good, takes great pictures, the works and I only pay $50 a month. To me this means people are paying $250 for an i. Just to have that little i on their phone that does the same thing as other smartphones.
Now I know Apple is a great brand and I do love some of their products, but paying a high monthly bill for an Iphone is just ridiculous. For that monthly price, my phone had better be doing my laundry and cooking me dinner. So someone please tell me why anyone would pay that high of a monthly phone bill (before you say data, I have unlimited everything) just to own Apple's latest contraption.
-Miss Information
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Social Media Gripes
1.) Complaining about what other people post. Social networking was created so people could post their opinions about things they like, stories they want to share, what they do professionally, or even what is on their mind. I can't stand when people write a status like "Im sick of reading about peoples food" or "I am tired of seeing boobs on my newsfeed" or "nobody cares if you are at the gym" or my personal favorite "I hate when people dictate their schedule on here, its not a diary."
Now I am going to elaborate on a few things with this on because to me this is just hilarious. Social networking is used to share interests. If people like to cook or eat, they are going to share the pictures of their dinner, if they are a massive pervert, they are going to post boobs, if they are on a health kick and have body that you want to eat food off of, they post about going to the gym. These are the interests of these people, therefore, they post their interest on Facebook. If you don't want to read them, then maybe you and this person shouldn't be friends as you seem to lack common interests.
The next one...when people say don't post your schedule this isn't a diary, I want to help these people to define a diary. A diary is where someone can write about anything they please, but it is most commonly used to express their feelings......ya pickin up what I am laying down yet? So by you venting all these things you HATE (pssstt...that is an emotion) you are using Facebook as a diary more than the people talking about pumping iron at the gym.
2.) Selfies. Now don't get me wrong, we are all guilty of taking self pictures, after all, if we look hot that day, why not share it with the world. But when you are taking the same pictures of yourself everyday with your cleavage hanging out you go from being "Wow, Thats Hot" to *yawn* we have seen them. Ladies though men love to see your tatas, they also love mystery, try a few shots with them tucked away and you just looking classy as can be. Now there is an exception when it comes to weight loss pictures because I have the highest respect for people who change their life for the better and love to see the results from their efforts.
3.) This one doesn't really annoy me, but I have to touch on it because I think everyone is a liar. People always complain about people airing their dirty laundry on Facebook, but this is nothing but BS because secretly, people love it. Everyone loves a good Facebook fight and I won't lie, I am one of them (Hello, I am a writer for a living). You all know that when you see a status that has like 75 comments on there that a fight has just gone down and you have at least 20 minutes of reading. Don't complain about the fighting, we all could use a little entertainment in our lives.
Ok, I could go all night and I don't want too many people sending me hate mail because I have hurt their feelings once again, so until next time....quit your B*tchin Facebook...
-Miss Information