I realize it has been a while since I have written a blog and anyone who knows me personally knows that I have been dealing with some personal problems, I appreciate everyone's patients and support while I have been off the blogging scene, but here I am and I want to put my opinion about a major controversial topic, Obesity in America.
Now before people click off and think oh skinny girl going on a rant, I want to point out that I am not pointing the finger or picking on anyone's body shape, just the way America is handling the obesity crisis and a few things that annoy the crap out of me.
First things first, I think it is a sack of bologna that America claims that obesity is the number one problem in America and that they are trying to fix that. Now I am a smaller frame, but by no means am I perfect, but what annoys me the most is when I walk into stores, you can never find a size below a 2xxl. I was in the store buying a white polo yesterday and we weren't able to find one in smaller sizes which for someone in marketing sees that they stock up mostly on bigger sizes because that is what sells.
If these stores are only selling to people who suffer from obesity, how is that trying to solve the problem of obesity?
Anyone who wears a small or medium knows how hard it is to find clothing any more because it seems like American stores only serve those who are over weight!
My next annoyance with America's obesity problem is the attitude that people have about obesity. Now I have multiple family members and friends that legitimatly suffer from being born big boned or have just overall suffered with weight problems and they are genuinely unhappy. I have watched these people diet, go to the gym, do yoga, and put in the effort every day because they are happy to make the change and it is by far not easy for them. They post their accomplishments and are proud to be attempting a healthier lifestyle.
For these people who are proud of their accomplishments, like my friend Sil who has accomplished multiple yoga poses and strives to live a healthier life style even though she understands she may never be a size 2.
I read something online about how people were criticizing a mother of 3 who has the body of a personal training claiming that men only like curvy women and I feel that it has become an excuse to accept the problem rather than to do something about the problem.
Now before I close out, I want to say that this blog was not attacking any body type, so if your comments are to attack me, then don't even waste your breath. If you prefer to happy wit your body type, then I am happy for you, but just like religion and other controversial topics don't claim to be the dominant type, don't make excuses, and don't push your life choices on other people.
There are people who are heavier that are unhappy with who they are and are working to be healthier and America's poor excuse of putting Mcdonalds on every corner, plumping up kids, and creating excuses for not living healthy is nothing more than a slap in the face to those who want to be happy with themselves.
As far as corporate America is concerned, they may need to take a better look at their markets and start accommodating for people below a size 2xxl.
Keep Living Healthy,
Miss Information
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