When you become a parent, you become more aware of the parents around you. You begin to notice various parenting styles and you learn that there are just things about parenting that seem to drive you insane. I have decided based on previous events in my own personal experiences, that I am going to spill the beans. If you are one of these parents, then maybe you should take into consideration what you are doing to your child and that you should maybe accept that you are the worst kind of parent.
My favorite kind of parent on the list of bad parents are the phone parents. The parents that you see when you go to the park whose kid is knocking other peoples kids down and they are just sitting their checking out pictures on Facebook. The park can be dangerous and someone could easily steal your kid. Plus other parents bring their children to the park to make new memories, not to babysit a child that they don't know.
Another top parenting fail are the ones who let their kids run wild in grocery stores. Now when I take my daughter to the store, I make her sit in the cart or hold hands if she is walking. I see way to many parents that let their children run wild and they end up cutting people off, tripping people, or blocking people who are just trying to get their shopping done. If you can't handle shopping with multiple kids, maybe your next trip should be down the condom isle.
Now this is a big one and it hits close to my heart. When you are with someone who has kids of their own, they become a part of your child's life. Jealousy is completely understandable because hey its a new woman in your ex's life. However, when your children become teenagers and lash out at you for being a bad parent, you can not blame anyone else but yourself.
You should never convince your children there is something wrong with them, just for the benefits of gaining a paycheck so you don't have to work. There are parents out there that struggle with real issues and still work hard to give their kids what they need. By making claims that your child has mental issues so you can sit on your ass when in fact there is nothing wrong with the child is not only fraud but also an insult to people with children who also suffer.
Another parenting peeve on the list is the balance of attention. If you have multiple kids, you should love all of your children the same. You should not be giving one child expensive gadgets, but then giving your other children hand me downs as Christmas presents. I have seen multiple friends of mine juggle multiple kids, even ones with medical problems, and still pay attention to their other children. So like I said before, if you keep having children simply to get a paycheck, you are nothing short of a disgrace.
Parenting isn't easy and some people just have a natural knack for parenting, even though it has its struggles, some people should not be allowed to be parents. It is sickening to see that so many children are growing up without their dads, but the truth is sometimes the mother is to blame. When you are popping out multiple children with multple daddies, then perhaps the problem isn't the fathers, but in fact you.
I guess I am just a believer that there should be an application to have children.
Doing the best I can
-Miss Information
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