Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Get Over Yourself! Winning one of the toughest battles.

It is human nature to fight wars the same way it is in an animals nature to fight each other. Where humans draw the line from animals is that animals are simplistic and fight wars over stupid things like food and a mate. Humans tend to fight over the same thing from time to time (I once stabbed my brother with a fork over a calzone...I was pregnant).

Humans also tend to face various battles that animals don't seem to face and that is the battle against yourself. They say you should always be nice because you never know what another person is battling. I for one have always fought battles with myself and tend to be self-conscious over pretty much everything.

I get self-conscious over the way that I look, what other people think of me, and I always seem to notice the worst about myself. Sometimes this problem gets to the point where it seems to fall out of reach and I slide into a slight depression over it.

I had come to realize just how much I let this take over my life and was wondering if it is ever possible to win a war against yourself? They always pass off that you have to love yourself before you love others crap, but the truth is how does someone who doesn't love themselves just suddenly start?

Now I don't believe that you can look at someone and be like love yourself and they are going to be like oh my god I am in love with myself, and in fact that is one of my biggest peeves. I suffer from anxiety and when people tell me "just stop" I want to punch them in the baby maker like if I could just stop the anxiety attacks I wouldn't have done it from the beginning.

I don't believe that you can just stop fighting yourself in an instant, but I do believe in change. I have decided to do a little experiment about my own self-conscious issues and took the initiative to change myself physically by bettering my body. This to me was the easiest route because the physical fight is nothing compared to the emotional and the mental self-conscious issues, but I believe that everyone has the chance to get over themselves.

So my advice today is to take the journey to get over yourself and try simply by changing. It takes time and effort, but you can do it. I have started the physical change and it has been pretty amazing to see results. When I begin to work on the other parts, maybe I will have more to offer.

So the next time you are in a social situation be kind to someone or try to let them know you want to be their friend because you never know what kind of battles people are fighting on the inside.

Fighting the good fight and I think I am winning.

-Miss Information.

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