I am a strong believer that every child deserves the best parties every year. Even though your children may not remember the specifics, you want to create memories that will last a life time. As a parent, I believe in giving my daughter the world and I want her to think back on her childhood and know that I did everything I could to make memories for her.
I enjoy party planning and I find it relaxing as well as having a major pay off, but I have noticed that some people worry that they don't have the time or the money to do extravagant birthday parties, but everyone can do it no matter what their budget is. I decided to share my wisdom by helping parents get an understanding of how to plan a great party for their kids, without breaking their wallet or their schedule.
The first question to address is when to start planning a child's birthday, I am a believer that you should always start your child's birthday party at the beginning of the month before your kids birthday. I am going to use my own child's birthday as an example throughout this blog. Since my daughters birthday is around Halloween, I always start planning her birthday the beginning of September, so I have approximately two months to plan the birthday party.
The first step to planning your child's birthday is to choose a theme for your child's party. This is an easy step because when children are young, they tend to have an interest in a certain topic or theme. If your child is older, you can ask your child the theme of their choice.
Once the theme has been decided, you want to figure out the who, what, when, and where. Once this is decided, you are going to want to set your first deadline. You want to give people enough time to plan to attend your child's birthday party, so you want to make sure all invitations are mailed out a month before the child's party. You don't have to spend a whole lot on invitations, for example, this year my daughter is having a Disney costume party, so we went and spent 1.97 on scroll paper at Walmart and .48 cent on ribbon to create announcement scrolls.
About the middle of the first month, you want to start doing some research to find some cool ideas for your child's birthday party. You can use sights like Pinterest or check back to my blog as I will start writing ideas for children's birthday parties if I get requests for those types of blogs. You want to write down the ideas for Food, decoration, and theme.
As you inch towards the month before your child's party, you want to finalize some of the research you have done and write out your birthday plans. This takes a few minutes, where you can write out a list of decoration ideas, foods, and activities. Once you have created a list of everything you want to do, you can write out a shopping list for your child's party. You aren't going to buy food until closer to the date, but you want to do a basic list of things like decorations and gifts.
Once your list is made, you want to look at your pay dates and figure out what you can budget so you can start buying supplies for the party and putting them away. The biggest reason so many parents claim they can't afford a party, is that they wait until the last payday before the party and spend their entire paycheck on stuff for the party and find themselves hurting financially, by spreading out the cost, you will find that you won't be hurting yourself financially in the long run.
A week or two (depending on your pay schedule) before, you are going to want to write out a food list and go grocery shopping for the party.
Before you know it, it will be time for the big day and your child will give your a smile that you won't forget and your child will get the birthday party of their dreams.
Always Planning Ahead
-Miss Information
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