Monday, September 30, 2013

Sex Facts: Interesting Facts You Need To Know About Orgasms

I have noticed in my blog statistics that more people like to read about sex facts than anything else. I am not surprised that so many people show an interest in learning more about sex, but I am surprised because it would seem that sex is such a hush hush thing socially. Sure you talk about sex with your friends, but you wouldn't talk about it with someone in the supermarket. Now I have done a few of these sex articles including general facts about sex and how to have 10 days of great sex and now I am going to push it to the finish line with some random facts about orgasms.

Ok so the first interesting fact that I have learned is that there are multiple different types of orgasms. I am not talking about how orgasms are different between men and women, but for each gender there are multiple different types of orgasms including how they occur, where they occur, and how many they occur. (I know you will all be counting now).

Women have very sensitive parts of their body, but the most sensitive part to trigger orgasm? Let me assure you that every man in the world has just blurted out the same answer, and I am sad to let them down because they are wrong. A woman is more likely to have an orgasm through simulation of the nipples compared to any other part of the body.

Everyone is busy, especially if you have kids, so it is common for quickies and skipping the fore play, but what most people don't know is skipping the foreplay is harming your orgasm. Foreplay increases blood flow, which in turn turns your little o into the big O. So if your O's have been disappointing lately, it could be from skipping out on all the foreplay.

Need inspiration for exercise? It is a proven fact that women can actually have an orgasm while doing certain abdominal exercises. Do you really need any more inspiration than that?

This one I had to share because I was hoping to get some feedback. Science has proved it is possible to have an orgasm during child birth......has this ever happened to anyone?

Pump up the volume. Studies have shown that turning up the volume and getting loud during your orgasms can increase the intensity. If you are the shy type, turn up the volume, because you may be missing out.

The Oscar goes to...........sorry to statistically dampen your day guys, but a recent survey shows that women will fake an orgasm 60% of the time....time to step up your game boys.

I have saved the saddest fact for last. There are women out there who can not have orgasms...(A moment of silence please).............In all seriousness, not all women are lucky enough to achieve the heavenly goal at the end of the finish line. (No guys.....this does not explain the 60% of fakers).

Well that is all the randomness about Sex I have for you today...


-Miss Information

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Planning The Perfect Kids Party

I am a strong believer that every child deserves the best parties every year. Even though your children may not remember the specifics, you want to create memories that will last a life time. As a parent, I believe in giving my daughter the world and I want her to think back on her childhood and know that I did everything I could to make memories for her.

I enjoy party planning and I find it relaxing as well as having a major pay off, but I have noticed that some people worry that they don't have the time or the money to do extravagant birthday parties, but everyone can do it no matter what their budget is. I decided to share my wisdom by helping parents get an understanding of how to plan a great party for their kids, without breaking their wallet or their schedule.

The first question to address is when to start planning a child's birthday, I am a believer that you should always start your child's birthday party at the beginning of the month before your kids birthday. I am going to use my own child's birthday as an example throughout this blog. Since my daughters birthday is around Halloween, I always start planning her birthday the beginning of September, so I have approximately two months to plan the birthday party.

The first step to planning your child's birthday is to choose a theme for your child's party. This is an easy step because when children are young, they tend to have an interest in a certain topic or theme. If your child is older, you can ask your child the theme of their choice.

Once the theme has been decided, you want to figure out the who, what, when, and where. Once this is decided, you are going to want to set your first deadline. You want to give people enough time to plan to attend your child's birthday party, so you want to make sure all invitations are mailed out a month before the child's party. You don't have to spend a whole lot on invitations, for example, this year my daughter is having a Disney costume party, so we went and spent 1.97 on scroll paper at Walmart and .48 cent on ribbon to create announcement scrolls.

About the middle of the first month, you want to start doing some research to find some cool ideas for your child's birthday party. You can use sights like Pinterest or check back to my blog as I will start writing ideas for children's birthday parties if I get requests for those types of blogs. You want to write down the ideas for Food, decoration, and theme.

As you inch towards the month before your child's party, you want to finalize some of the research you have done and write out your birthday plans. This takes a few minutes, where you can write out a list of decoration ideas, foods, and activities. Once you have created a list of everything you want to do, you can write out a shopping list for your child's party. You aren't going to buy food until closer to the date, but you want to do a basic list of things like decorations and gifts.

Once your list is made, you want to look at your pay dates and figure out what you can budget so you can start buying supplies for the party and putting them away. The biggest reason so many parents claim they can't afford a party, is that they wait until the last payday before the party and spend their entire paycheck on stuff for the party and find themselves hurting financially, by spreading out the cost, you will find that you won't be hurting yourself financially in the long run.

A week or two (depending on your pay schedule) before, you are going to want to write out a food list and go grocery shopping for the party.

Before you know it, it will be time for the big day and your child will give your a smile that you won't forget and your child will get the birthday party of their dreams.

Always Planning Ahead

-Miss Information

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Truth About Pitbulls

I have decided to write on a new topic today because I know this topic is controversial and it hits very close to home for me. I have decided to write about the controversy behind Pits. Now I have to say that people who think the breed is dangerous is out of their minds.

I am an owner of a Pitbull named Penny and I decided I wanted people to hear Penny's story.

We adopted Penny when my daughter was only 8 months old. We went to the humane society because adoption is always better. Penny was listed as a lower level, which means she was a great fit for a family with kids.

When we went, we decided that I was going to pick the dog and K who is a lover of pitbulls said he was just going to look. Well he had to see her for some reason. We decided to take her out and check her mentality and as she squeezed her entire body into the baby carrier to see the baby, we decided that she was the one for us.

Penny is gentle and would never hurt a soul. We learned upon her adoption that she was abandoned and ate her way through a fence to get out when her owners moved and left her in the back yard. She was found on the local highway and was extremely under weight.

Even under these extreme conditions and being a Pitbull, Penny is happy. She wants to be everyone's friend and sometimes I am convinced that she has more friends than I do.

With that story being told, I have to say that people who are against Pits because of their breed might as well say that they believe in every other stereotype out there. You all post your horror stories about a pit attacking a child, but I can find multiple stories that are exactly the same, only the breed of dog is different. Every breed of dog has had at least one dog bite someone, and its not the breed that makes them bite, it is the dog.

If you torment a human they are going to have severe psychological issues, the same applies when a dog is put through the same abuse. People claim Pits need to be destroyed, but when your toddler bites someone you aren't rushing them to the pound to put air in their veins. When your teenagers get into a fight in school and strike a child, you don't take them out back and shoot them.

Pits should be treated as individuals and not bunched into a basic stereotype. If you disagree than anything bad you have ever done to anyone else, is grounds for you to be put down.

Just Barkin My Opinion

-Miss Information

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Monday, September 9, 2013

Biggest Parenting Peeves

When you become a parent, you become more aware of the parents around you. You begin to notice various parenting styles and you learn that there are just things about parenting that seem to drive you insane. I have decided based on previous events in my own personal experiences, that I am going to spill the beans. If you are one of these parents, then maybe you should take into consideration what you are doing to your child and that you should maybe accept that you are the worst kind of parent.

My favorite kind of parent on the list of bad parents are the phone parents. The parents that you see when you go to the park whose kid is knocking other peoples kids down and they are just sitting their checking out pictures on Facebook. The park can be dangerous and someone could easily steal your kid. Plus other parents bring their children to the park to make new memories, not to babysit a child that they don't know.

Another top parenting fail are the ones who let their kids run wild in grocery stores. Now when I take my daughter to the store, I make her sit in the cart or hold hands if she is walking. I see way to many parents that let their children run wild and they end up cutting people off, tripping people, or blocking people who are just trying to get their shopping done. If you can't handle shopping with multiple kids, maybe your next trip should be down the condom isle.

Now this is a big one and it hits close to my heart. When you are with someone who has kids of their own, they become a part of your child's life. Jealousy is completely understandable because hey its a new woman in your ex's life. However, when your children become teenagers and lash out at you for being a bad parent, you can not blame anyone else but yourself.

You should never convince your children there is something wrong with them, just for the benefits of gaining a paycheck so you don't have to work. There are parents out there that struggle with real issues and still work hard to give their kids what they need. By making claims that your child has mental issues so you can sit on your ass when in fact there is nothing wrong with the child is not only fraud but also an insult to people with children who also suffer.

Another parenting peeve on the list is the balance of attention. If you have multiple kids, you should love all of your children the same. You should not be giving one child expensive gadgets, but then giving your other children hand me downs as Christmas presents. I have seen multiple friends of mine juggle multiple kids, even ones with medical problems, and still pay attention to their other children. So like I said before, if you keep having children simply to get a paycheck, you are nothing short of a disgrace.

Parenting isn't easy and some people just have a natural knack for parenting, even though it has its struggles, some people should not be allowed to be parents. It is sickening to see that so many children are growing up without their dads, but the truth is sometimes the mother is to blame. When you are popping out multiple children with multple daddies, then perhaps the problem isn't the fathers, but in fact you.

I guess I am just a believer that there should be an application to have children.

Doing the best I can

-Miss Information

Thursday, September 5, 2013

10 days of Great Sex

Well ladies, we are always complaining that our hormones throw us for some crazy loop to loops that sometimes have us wanting to watch sappy movies just to have a good cry and other times have us ready to scratch out the eyes of anyone who crosses our path. Now we all look at hormones as the enemy, but the truth is they are the key to having great sex. After learning this new fact, I have done some research and put together this tutorial of how you can have 10 days of great sex. 

Now before the men are all like boo because it's talking about hormones and all that girly stuff, the truth is, some of these tricks may work in your favor as well.

Day 1: Take control ladies. You are at an all time high with hormones, so instead of wanting to rip his face off, try getting a little rough in other ways. It's not like they don't enjoy the view they are getting or the fact that they can lay back and do nothing.

Day 2: Slow it down a bit. When you are starting to feel emotional and wanting to cry, take it to the bedroom but see if you can get your man to slow it down and be sensual. Since you had a rough night the night before, there is a good chance he will be willing to slow it down and yes it will be incredible.

Day 3: Be A Little Giving....lets face it when it comes to sex, we like it to be about us, so you should be willing to pamper your man once in a while as well. Try starting things off with a nice back rub.

Day 4: Be creative. This is your time to shine, do something you have never done before by being creative and thinking outside the box. The best part of this day is you will give your hubby a nice surprise and a new side of you he has never seen.

Day 5: If you want things to get even sexier, on day five challenge one another. You want to bring out your competitive edge, so this could mean challenging him to a racy game of strip poker or some other edgy game.

Day 6: Be straight forward. Men love to be complimented and they love to hear everything that makes them desirable. Kick things off by giving him some insight into why you find hum luscious.

Day 7: It is proven that men prefer sex in the morning, so surprise him by joining him in the shower today.

Day 8: Make it quick! At this point in time you have been having a lot of sex and sometimes there is nothing more addicting than a quickie!

Day 9: Obsess Slightly. Take this time to really fix in on him today. Be flirtatious and even tease a little bit, yet another day of letting him know you want him.

Day 10: Conquer new ground. Don't be afraid to try new things again, try setting the mood by getting yourself a new outfit that will make his jaw drop, focus on your happy ending, and go to town.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Get Over Yourself! Winning one of the toughest battles.

It is human nature to fight wars the same way it is in an animals nature to fight each other. Where humans draw the line from animals is that animals are simplistic and fight wars over stupid things like food and a mate. Humans tend to fight over the same thing from time to time (I once stabbed my brother with a fork over a calzone...I was pregnant).

Humans also tend to face various battles that animals don't seem to face and that is the battle against yourself. They say you should always be nice because you never know what another person is battling. I for one have always fought battles with myself and tend to be self-conscious over pretty much everything.

I get self-conscious over the way that I look, what other people think of me, and I always seem to notice the worst about myself. Sometimes this problem gets to the point where it seems to fall out of reach and I slide into a slight depression over it.

I had come to realize just how much I let this take over my life and was wondering if it is ever possible to win a war against yourself? They always pass off that you have to love yourself before you love others crap, but the truth is how does someone who doesn't love themselves just suddenly start?

Now I don't believe that you can look at someone and be like love yourself and they are going to be like oh my god I am in love with myself, and in fact that is one of my biggest peeves. I suffer from anxiety and when people tell me "just stop" I want to punch them in the baby maker like if I could just stop the anxiety attacks I wouldn't have done it from the beginning.

I don't believe that you can just stop fighting yourself in an instant, but I do believe in change. I have decided to do a little experiment about my own self-conscious issues and took the initiative to change myself physically by bettering my body. This to me was the easiest route because the physical fight is nothing compared to the emotional and the mental self-conscious issues, but I believe that everyone has the chance to get over themselves.

So my advice today is to take the journey to get over yourself and try simply by changing. It takes time and effort, but you can do it. I have started the physical change and it has been pretty amazing to see results. When I begin to work on the other parts, maybe I will have more to offer.

So the next time you are in a social situation be kind to someone or try to let them know you want to be their friend because you never know what kind of battles people are fighting on the inside.

Fighting the good fight and I think I am winning.

-Miss Information.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Where Has All The Romance Gone

I am an avid Nicholas Sparks reader and I love watching sappy love stories. When I watch shows with intense romances, I start to think about romance. Now some people believe that movies set an unrealistic standard for romance, but the truth is when women watch these movies they pine for it because it's really not unrealistic. Sure twilight is a bit on a crazy side but stories like the notebook don't involve two robots who fall in love with lasers, it is about two people who have been through it all and still love each other enough to stand by each other through it all.

So these movie don't set an unrealistic standard for women's views on love, it is just that romance has disappeared.

There was once a time when a man would die for the honor of a woman. There was a time when men would fight to the death over a woman, but now we have men that don't want to support their children, let alone the woman who birthed them, and men who use terms like booty and SWAG!

There is nothing unrealistic about these romance movies, its just that society has turned their back on them. Now I know that finances are the number one reason behind divorce, but I wonder how different this statistic would be if romance was what it once was or what it is in the movies.

Infidelity is common, but its because there is a lack of romance, people crave the thrill of the beginning of a relationship because that is the only place where romance still stands.

Men always claim that they don't understand women, but the answer is clear. When you sit down and watch a movie of a true love story and think to yourself great chick flick, you are missing out on the clear picture.

Women want romance ...just like in the movies....but what exists today is far from romance, if you look at some of the classic movies to today's standards, there would be major differences...

Titanic- if she didn't take the spot on the lifeboat, he would have called her stubborn and taken her seat.
The Notebook- He would have just kept sleeping around with women and drank himself stupid, called himself a player and her nothing but a gold digger.
Ghost- She would have collected the life insurance policy and found herself a man half her age (like Ashton).

Aside from coming back to the dead, these movies aren't asking for a lot from men in terms of romance, they represent how a man would die trying to save a woman, how nothing and no one can keep you away from someone you have to have, and that once you have her, there is no one that could ever replace her.

A little romance can go a long way, even though our lives get busy, the woman in your life should always know that she is the one, that she has always been the one, and if not, then you are not meant to be.

Hopelessly Romantic

-Miss Information

Sunday, September 1, 2013

The Letting Yourself Go Debate

I decided to touch base on yet another topic that I see on Facebook on a regular basis. I am always seeing these icons that say "you say letting myself go, I say putting my kids needs ahead of my own." I have to say that this is the biggest sack of you know what that I have ever heard.

I did another blog similar on this topic about how you have to make time for yourself as a mother. But to make the claims that women who keep themselves well put together doesn't put their child's needs ahead of their own is completely ridiculous.

Now I am not talking about putting on weight with kids, which it is possible to lose and I know many mothers who want to, but aren't sure how to find the time and lets face it, working out does take some time.

What I am talking about is the mother who walks around in ripped sweatpants and wears the same t-shirt for three days who can't be bothered to wash her hair or brush it. Saying that you look like that is nothing more than an excuse. There are plenty of women who put their children's needs first and still manage to put themselves together on a daily basis.

Now I am not saying that you have to look like a supermodel everyday, because lets face it, no one has that kind of time or money. But there is no reason why you can't go thrifting for presentable jeans if you are on a tight budget and buy decent clothes. When I see mothers in Wal-mart that look like they fell out of bed and into the hamper, I want to throw up. I personally would never let myself look like that in public. Even though I care what I look like, I make sure my daughter always looks presentable as well. My daughter has a bigger wardrobe than me and everything she needs, but I still have presentable clothes to look like a human being.

If you are running short on time with your kids, straighten your hair for a few days, get makeup at the dollar store, but for the love of god pull it together women!

Put it together

-Miss Information