Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Quitting Smoking, Kicking The Habbit!

I personally have been smoke free for almost 6 months now and I have had a lot of questions and speculation about quitting smoking, so I decided it would be a pretty good blog topic and would probably get quite a bit of reaction. So I wanted to address some of them here, I am not lecturing about smoking, but I am going to share how I did it and why it is so hard for other people to quit.

A Reason To Quit

Now when I was a smoker, my biggest problem was that I enjoyed smoking, but at the same time, I want to live my life to the fullest. I have read so many stories about how people quit smoking when it was too late. I don't need to lecture you that smoking is bad for you, in fact I found when I was a smoker it was annoying when people would say "Smoking is bad for you!" I always wanted to give some obnoxious response like really? I must have missed the warning! Everyone has a reason for wanting to quit, you just have to figure out why, because if you don't have a reason, you won't want to quit.

How I Quit

I personally took he route of e-cigarettes. I do want to take a second to debunk because I have had some people doubt my quitting because I used e-cigarettes. One of the more popular responses I get is "oh I read they are bad for you!"

So being the researcher I am, I am going to debunk some of these for you. Yes it is true that the FDA is still out about e-cigs, but you are going to find a million of blogs that claim they are bad. Everything is bad for you, but if you want information you have to go to a credible source.

E-cigs have nicotine in them, which isn't great for your body, but it isn't going to kill you in such low doses and you can buy them without nicotine at all.

So if you read an article that e-cigs are worse than you for cigs, check the source, I bet it isn't credible.

Personally, I enjoy the e-cig because as I said, I enjoyed smoking and it helps with the putting something in your mouth sensation (Go ahead insert perverted joke here).

Quitting Isn't Easy

Now one thing that annoyed me about quitting smoking is people who want to quit smoking but say to me "quitting isn't easy." I quit smoking, I am aware that it wasn't easy. Just because I succeeded, doesn't mean it was easy, but these are some things I learned about the quitting process.

You can't quit while smoking. There are so many people I hear that are like, I will only smoke a few a day. While cutting down is good, you are still smoking, and your only paddling with one oar. Cold turkey is hard, but it is effective.

Stop making excuses. I hear so many people give me reasons why they can't quit smoking (ex. My job is stressful, I am out of work, I have tried and its hard) all these are is a reason not to quit and you are using them as a security blanket not to quit. Life is hard and there will always be an excuse not to quit. Don't let the excuses take over.

One thing I found that helped in the quitting process was challenging myself. The first few days are torture and you will be miserable, but if you make it through those hours without one and go back to smoking, you wasted hours of your life being miserable for nothing. It does get better and it does get easier, you just have to challenge yourself to make it to that point.

Don't Be Negative

I have learned when I quit smoking, I was surrounded with a lot of negativity and people who tried to drag me down because I quit smoking, but the truth is, those people are tearing you down because they feel bad that they haven't been able to do it. I know it sounds cliche, but don't give in to peer pressure.

So if you want to quit smoking, today is your day.

Taking A Breath Of Fresh Air

- Miss Information.

Interested in trying out e-cigarettes? Vapors of Wonderland will have you swirling in your own personal wonderland of delicious flavors. Quitting smoking has never been so good! Quit today by checking them out here:

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