Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Looking Your Best When You Have Kids

I wanted to touch base on this topic a little bit because when I look through various social network accounts I see people who claim that keeping up with their looks needs to be a priority when you are a mom , where I see other people who seem to think that they have had no choice because their child's needs come first.

Personally I can see where both sides are coming from, so I wanted to see if I could bring some clarification to the topic. Now I read in Time magazine that women who have children commonly have spikes of depression. Now anyone who has had children probably agrees with this statement. Having children is great and most of us wouldn't change it for the world, but lets look at the facts here:

Pregnancy puts our bodies through changes- we get stretch marks, a few extra pounds, and sometimes scars.

We lose all sense of privacy- As a mother, you get no privacy, you can't even blow your  nose without kids blowing theirs on your jeans.

Finally, we sacrifice for our kids- kids are expensive so buying those expensive designer jeans goes out the window with your privacy.

Now anyone who doesn't have children just read that and fell into a depression. A good mom has experienced all of the qualities I have just listed above, though I think a mother should sacrifice for their children, I think it is important for a mother to remember who she is for her own sanity and mental health. I believe it runs in a vicious circle, to be a good mother you have to sacrifice, but if you sacrifice too much it can present dangers to your mental health, if you aren't in good mental health it effects your parenting skills.

So I agree that every parent has to make sacrifices, it is important for you to remember that you were a person before you had children. Being a mom doesn't mean you have to stop being who you are, it just means you have to find time to be you. I had a very inspirational friend tell me that if you say you don't have the time it is complete and utter BS, there is always time to make yourself look beautiful, you just have to make the time. After she shared this wisdom, which made me start watching her blog because some of us a cosmetically challenged, I realized that when I take the time to make myself look good, I feel better about myself, and have better days in general.

Stay Pretty Guys!

Miss. Information

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